Competition Authority: No monopoly in markets and high prices are caused only by the exchange rate

Director of the General Authority for Competition and Antimonopoly Majd Merzah denied the existence of any monopoly in the markets, pointing out that what is happening now from the rise in prices caused by fluctuation of the exchange rate only.
As for the decline in the supply of some materials in the market, one of its reasons, according to Merzah - the provisional seizure decisions taken by the Ministry of Finance and its consequences on the forces of supply and demand only, the Ministry of Finance took decisions to seize the reserve on some suppliers and manufacturers of basic materials in Syria, contributed to the decline As a result of the time required to take action in such cases.
Regarding the cessation of the Authority's work during the past period, Merzah pointed out that the reason is the crisis that affected the market balance, which led the government to intervene in the markets according to the pricing logic, which canceled the work of the Authority, in addition to the restriction of geographical areas in the past period in limited areas, Today, the expanding geographical scope of the population and markets has called for a revitalization of the Authority.
He pointed out that the Authority relies on the freedom of prices that create a kind of competition, which depends on the broad market and converted to what can be called competitiveness, which will raise the level of the economy and work to create a balance between the forces of supply and demand, explaining that the trend now began to activate the work of the Authority, especially They stayed without the manager for several months.
He pointed out that the Authority plans to hold a forum on competition and antitrust next year, to be an effective step in launching the work of the Commission, in cooperation with international bodies and organizations such as the Iranian and Russian competition agency and competition agencies from the BRICS countries, in addition to federations of chambers of commerce and industry.
He pointed out that the role of the Commission is limited at the current stage to being a substitute for the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection and the Syrian Trade Organization in monitoring markets, and the forces of supply and demand, explaining that the apparent confusion in the prices of materials is only the result of exchange rate fluctuation, and therefore, the role of the Commission now It is based on assisting the positive intervention institutions, through the preparation of comprehensive market studies, and providing these institutions with the results on which they will put the most requested materials in their galleries, pointing out that the results of these studies have not yet been officially released, and they are still in the ministry to discuss them, Thus can To say that the work of the Authority has now begun with regard to market study and the provision of databases for the benefit of the Ministry of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection

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