Death misses a young Gulf star

The late Vice President of the “Salalah Theater Company” presented a large number of theatrical and dramatic works, most notably the “Ghuraiqa” series and the “Captain Majid” play.
He started as an actor and did not play the role of "compars" in his career. It was discovered and presented by his uncle, the late artist Adel bin Abdul Rab Al-Yafi ', ​​through the play "Captain Majid", and he had a qualitative shift through the play "Hospital".
He participated in the play "Ain Al-Hassoud" by a sophisticated guide and "Hamran El-Ayoun" with Emad Al-Shanfari.
He participated in the television in the series "Days of Penitence" in its second part with the director Abdullah Haider, "Poetry Diwan al-Arab" with Muhammad Waqaf, "Amman in History" with Hassan Abu Shaira, and "Al-Ghuraiqa" with the director Abdullah Haider.
Al-Yafei won several awards at the theater level, including the best actor of a second role in the ninth Gulf theater festival in Abu Dhabi for the play “Hamran Al-Ayoun”, and he is a founding member of the “Salalah Ensemble” since 1998 who won the first place award as the best actor in supporting roles for the series Drowning "in the media proficiency competition in its current version, and holds the best actor in the Gulf theater festival for professional teams in 2003.

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