Lyrics of the song, which is working with Amr Diab

And it is a factor, now and where it has time
Tell me if it is in her favor, I will leave her and fix her
Unjust and my heart hurt, postponed it and not now
Sure silent and do not talk, do not complain or cry
Do you know her wounded and wronged and not shown
And if tears came from them, the wound will not be easy
Tell me if it is in her favor, see her and fix her
Tell me if it is in her favor, I will leave her and fix her
Unjust and my heart hurt, postponed it and not now
And it is a factor, now and where it has time
Sure her feelings are broken, and if you forgot me, excuse me
I, who hurt her sense of her words, I wish I am relieved
And why do you say it, why come on, I feel for my wounds
Tell me if it is in her favor, see her and fix her
Tell me if it is in her favor, I will leave her and fix her
Unjust and my heart hurt, postponed it and not now
And it is a factor, now and where it has time

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