Ministry of Commerce: Closing shops that exaggerate in raising prices

Assistant Minister of Interior Trade and Consumer Protection Jamal Shoaib stressed the importance of issuing the first bulletin of prices for basic commodities and foodstuffs such as sugar, rice, tea, salmon and oils, stressing the need to adhere to all trade rings and monitor compliance with these prices through consumer protection patrols.
Shuaib said that the directive has been tightened control over the adherence to this leaflet and take tough measures against violators in all commercial brokerage rings starting from the importer and then wholesalers and half of the wholesale end retailer to be closed shops that charge significantly more than the bulletin in addition to focus on Violations of quality and fraud pointing to the ministry to announce the newsletter through various media read, audio and video and on websites.
In turn, Ali Al Khatib, Director of Consumer Protection at the Ministry said in a similar statement that consumer protection patrols are intensifying their presence in the markets to control prices and limit their rise and adhere to the price bulletin, pointing to the increase in the percentage of complaints submitted by citizens, which are responded to immediately.
Al-Khatib said that 2865 restraint was organized within one week in all governorates, including 803 closures of shops and commercial activities. The violations were distributed between non-trading of bills, non-announcement of prices and charging excessive prices in addition to violations of specifications.

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