New Adele Block After Losing 20 lbs: Proud of myself and feeling attractive ... video and photos

British singer Adele surprised her fans around the world by losing a lot of weight during the last period, and she appeared in a completely different look during her New Year and New Year holidays on the beach of Angela Island, a British region located in the Caribbean, last Friday, and she was She wears a white and black plaid dress, enjoying the sun and water on the sands of the beach, accompanied by British singer Harry Styles, a member of One Direction, and the British comedian and actor James Carden
According to the British newspaper Mirror, the 31-year-old English singer lost about 20 pounds of her weight, and it took some time to get involved in a regular exercise routine and follow healthy eating habits.
The British newspaper quoted Adele saying after losing her weight: "I am very happy and feel more attractive than ever. I look wonderful and very proud of myself, adding: I learned a lot about myself, and losing weight became really easy."

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