Ghalib Dalloul
The Company's name Ghalib Dalloul
Phone First +963 112248314
Phone Second +963 11 2228348
Mobile First +963 991166960
Mobile Second +963 991166961
City Damascus
Title Damascus - Al-Harika - opposite the Bank of Syria and Overseas - Jewelry Syndicate Building - 1st floor
Specialization Glass stones - sewing costs - traditional jewelry and its supplies - various fabrics
About company
Ghalib Dalloul
We specialize in trading raw materials for the manufacture of women's accessories, clothing accessories, wedding suit supplies, various evening dresses, and children's haute couture, including all types of glass and plastic stones, beads, lightning, lulu, various fabrics, and supplies for making accessories and traditional jewelry.
Address: Damascus - Al-Harika - opposite the Bank of Syria and Overseas - Jewelry Syndicate Building - 1st floor
Specialization: glass stones - sewing costs - traditional jewelry and its supplies - various fabrics
Tel: 2228348 / 2248314
Mobile: 0991166960 / 0991166961

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