Amr diab Lyrics of a song except El Habibi

All but darling and friendly keep Dunya
Except, my love, I am Les
Maine in the world after darling
All but darling and friendly keep Dunya
Except, my love, I am Les
Maine in the world after darling
It is the dream of my life and I wish it
Wali I lived the nights of Bastnah
All but darling and friendly keep Dunya
Except, my love, I am Les
Maine in the world after darling
My days are very different and my heart is not with you
My life I am in his absence, what will keep his life
All but darling and friendly keep Dunya
Except, my love, I am Les
Maine in the world after darling
If I miss my eyes
I love who this is after me darling
My love is not going to be sweet
All but darling and friendly keep Dunya
Except, my love, I am Les
Maine in the world after darling

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