Qasr Al-Sham Foundation
The Company's name Qasr Al-Sham Foundation
Phone First 011 2122232
Mobile First +963 941442090
Mobile Second +963 947111033
City Damascus
Title Syria - Damascus - Cham Center Mall
Specialization Travel and Tourism
About company
Qasr Al-Sham Foundation
Qasr Al-Sham Tourism and Travel Foundation provides all services related to tourism outside and inside Syria and all travel services, including booking airline tickets - issuing tourist and study visas - in addition to Hajj and Umrah services. Qasr Al-Sham Foundation also provides internal and external trips in addition to the best honeymoon programs.
We also offer various external work contracts in Iraq and Dubai
Address: Syria - Damascus - Cham Center Mall
Tel: 2122232
Mobile: 0941442090 / 0947111033
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