Abu Ali Al-Halbouni Agency
The Company's name Abu Ali Al-Halbouni Agency
Phone First +963 11 8128004
Phone Second +963 11 2250868
Mobile First +963 933701193
Mobile Second +963 956565720
City Damascus
Title Damascus _ Gate _ Old Daraa Road _ Al-Qadam Industrial Complex for Reform No. 332
Specialization The main center for the sale of Chinese auto parts and the Japanese Suzuki Taxi Pickup
About company
Abu Ali Al-Halbouni Agency
Address: Damascus _ Gate _ Old Daraa Road _ Al-Qadam Industrial Complex for Reform No. 332
           Baramkeh _ Jinn Alley
Specialization: The main center for the sale of Chinese auto parts and the Japanese Suzuki Taxi Pickup
Tel: 2250868 / 8128004
Mobile: 0956565720 / 0933701193
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