China launches the first smart train in the world ... amazing speed and potential

The American network CNN reported on Wednesday that the new train had already started its flights in late December in China.
The smart train links Beijing with the northwestern city of Zhangjiakou, and the city is to host the Winter Olympics two years later.
The new train departs on its driverless journeys, with a top speed of 350 kilometers per hour, and stops at 10 stations.
Called the "bullet," the train cuts the travel time between the two cities from 3 hours to 47 minutes, and also links Beijing to Yancheng.
The smart train is part of the expansion line China is carrying out on railways across the country, and is part of a smart and large railway
And it took four years to build the smart train.
According to "CNN" that the first flight of the smart train started last December 30 between Beijing to Taisicheng on the road between the capital and Zhangjiakou.
China has equipped 30 smart high-speed trains on the set track, 6 of which have already started work.
Tickets range from $ 11 to $ 33 on smart trains, and those who wish to travel must book tickets at least two days before the flight.
China calls the train a smart description, because its vehicles are equipped with 5G services, sensors that collect information about the trip, and track any technical problems.

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