Coffee and the benefits of coffee and the harms of coffee

Coffee, coffee is that drink that we are used to eating in the morning, without realizing that this cup contains many benefits and harms together, and that in the case of eating it in an extraordinary way, some researchers found that coffee contains caffeine in a way that gives it the importance of being a good stimulus to the student For the teacher and the worker, and it also contains substances that help to produce the hormones cortisone and adrenaline, what are the benefits and harms of coffee? This is what we will talk about below. Volume 0% This announcement will end in 8 benefits and harms of coffee. Benefits of coffee Pain Relief: Due to its high content of caffeine, which works as a pain reliever and headache, especially the headache resulting from taking drugs that expand the arteries, coffee has the opposite effect on the arteries and thus helps in Headache relief. Reducing the risk of diabetes: Especially for those who eat the equivalent of seven cups per day. Good for the liver: A study found that coffee use has a benefit in protecting the liver from fibrosis. Anti-oxidant: Coffee contains a high content of anti-oxidants, which have a great role in maintaining the health of the heart and arteries, and it also protects cells and the body from cancer and premature aging. Improving physical performance: gives the body energy and strength, especially for players of short and long-term exercises, as it reduces muscle pain during exercises, and fatigue felt by athletes at the end of exercises. Good for the skin: It works to protect the skin from harmful external factors, such as the sun, which causes wrinkles. Protecting teeth from decay because they contain polyphenolic compound that builds teeth. It works to generate urine and helps prevent constipation. Good for hair, so that it prevents hair loss and gives it shine, luster and a beautiful appearance, when applied directly to the hair instead of drinking it. The harms of coffee Coffee can only be harmful in the event of excessive intake, and therefore a set of damages will ensue, the most important of which are: low fertility and consequently the effect on the ability to have children. If pregnant women take it more often, this could lead to the abortion of the fetus or congenital malformations. Having coffee on an empty stomach before breakfast gives a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes. It works to reduce the absorption of iron from food, and thus not to benefit from it. Psychological and nervous disorders, such as excess tension. High blood pressure and cholesterol.


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