what is it? Symptoms of primary liver disease

There is no doubt that the liver helps digest food and convert it into energy stored in the body, and it also plays an important role in filtering toxins from your blood.
When the liver does not function properly due to liver disease, this may have serious health effects, causing primary symptoms that affect the liver in particular and other parts of the body.
What are the symptoms of primary liver disease?
There are some symptoms of primary liver disease that may afflict you in the event of liver injury, which should then refer to medical advice, including:
Jaundice or discoloration of the skin and eyes in yellow color
Swelling of the legs and ankles
Vomiting and nausea
Unexplained bruising on the skin
Chronic fatigue and fatigue
Pain and flatulence
Joint and muscle pain
Your stool may be pale, black, or bloody.

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