What is pregnancy sugar and its treatment

Symptoms of diabetes in pregnant women
Increased risk of infections
Itching of the genitals
Increased risk of miscarriage and the birth of low-weight children.
Usually, the high level of sugar in the blood or in the urine is a way to detect diabetes, and usually this is done by a number of laboratory tests that are performed by the patient, so if the results show an increase in sugar levels over the normal rate (70-120 mg) / Desliter), then an infection may be diagnosed.
 Blood tests used for this purpose include:
Check the random blood sugar level
Check the level of sugar in the blood during fasting
Cumulative examination.
Pregnancy diabetes treatment
Mothers can control diabetes during pregnancy by simply following a proper diet that helps them manage blood sugar levels, exercise an appropriate physical activity and adhere to the prescribed medications if necessary to take them.

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