Sarah's tragedy ... strange bruises on the body and then death days later

The newspaper "Daily Mail" that Sarah Armstrong, 22, died on the first day of February, after doctors told her that she had acute lymphocytic leukemia.
Sarah, who lives in north Liverpool, was suffering from strange blue bruises on her body, along with other flu-like symptoms.
After several days, and specifically on January 24, her friend advised her to see a doctor, who told her the need to have a blood test, and after a few hours of the same day she received a call to the need to go to the hospital immediately.
There, Sarah learned that she had a serious and rare disease, and that she should start chemotherapy sessions.
But fate neglected the young nurse, who is the mother of a two-year-old girl, only a week, as she died on February 1 from a stroke.
Her friend said that Sarah was a girl full of life, adding: "Before her death one night we were staying together, and she was laughing full of her two her breasts," adding: "She was not only loved by the patients she was caring for, she left a good impact on all who dealt with her."
The friend explained that an online newspaper had been created to collect donations to cover the expenses of Sarah's funeral, which was not taken into account, while the rest of the money would go to her daughter’s father to help him care for the orphan child.

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