Song lyrics if it satisfies you written Amr Diab

If it satisfies you, you would prefer me to save you
If your dreams please you, you will not be happy with you
I would like your image to be leaked
Exalted and tormented yourself
But I keep telling me who you are
This is forbidden for you
I will not tell you anything, I will not worry, I will not treat you
Stay in this, my dear, live alone, heal you with torment
I would like your image to be leaked
Exalted and tormented yourself
But I keep telling me who you are
This is forbidden for you
You are my love, neither my love nor my angel
By God, a thousand losses over what was the angel's uniform in the days of time
I would like your image to be leaked
Exalted and tormented yourself
But I keep telling me who you are
This is forbidden for you
If it satisfies you, you would prefer me to save you
If your dreams please you, you will not be happy with you

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