Al-Hafez Agriculture and Trade Company
The Company's name Al-Hafez Agriculture and Trade Company
Phone First +963 954094140
Phone Second +90 5364482235
Mobile First +963 955886622
Mobile Second +90 5344300577
City Aleppo
Title Syria - Aleppo
Specialization Production of fertilizers, seeds and pesticides
About company
Al-Hafez Agriculture and Trading Company
A company specializing in providing integrated agricultural solutions, it seeks to support farmers and enhance agricultural productivity by providing high-quality products and services.
Sectors of work:
Fertilizer distribution: The company offers a variety of organic and mineral fertilizers to enhance soil fertility and improve crop quality.
Seeds and pesticides: The company provides improved seeds and effective pesticides to protect crops from pests and diseases.
Agricultural consulting: The company provides consulting services to help farmers adopt best agricultural practices and increase their productivity.
Company vision:
Al-Hafez Company strives to achieve sustainable agriculture that meets the needs of the local and international market, while being committed to innovation and quality in all its products and services.
Contact information:

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