The Company's name Al-Mustafa
Phone First +963 11 4047
Mobile First +963 945368080
Mobile Second +963 945515558
City Damascus
Title Syria Damascus
Specialization Shipping and customs clearance
About company
Who are we...Al-Mustafa is a company specialized in providing shipping and customs clearance services from China, the Emirates, Korea, Europe, Lebanon and Jordan to Syria in the most appropriate way for your shipment, whether by sea, air or land. What distinguishes us is a work team with long experience that guarantees you quality, commitment and honesty.
Our vision... facilitating the arrival of goods to all parts of the world.
Our goal is to provide quality and safe shipping service to Syria.
Because we care about you. Our team is always at your service. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Tel: 011 4047
Mobile: 0945368080 / 0945515558
Address: Syria, Damascus
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