Chinese Corner BASK-COMP
The Company's name Chinese Corner BASK-COMP
Phone First +963 993316575
Mobile First +963 993316586
Mobile Second +963 993316581
City Tartus‎
Title 1 Tartous - Industry / 2 Aleppo - Sulaymaniyah
Specialization Auto parts trading
About company
Chinese Corner BASK-COMP
The company was established in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2004
The company started its work by specializing in spare parts for Chinese passenger cars
The company's work expanded and became the exclusive agent in Syria and Lebanon for the MINGZHEN and BASKCOMP brands for all types of cars
The exclusive agents in Syria and Lebanon for the LSND brand for spark plugs
The exclusive agents for the BCCTR brand for Korean Dozan car parts
The company is also a pioneer in the field of modern Chinese car spare parts at competitive prices
The company's goal and mission is to provide spare parts from the importer directly to the consumer at competitive prices
Address: 1 Tartous - Industry / 2 Aleppo - Sulaymaniyah
Mobile: 0993316575 / 0993316586 / 0993316581
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