Clean Line Limited Liability Company
The Company's name Clean Line Limited Liability Company
Responsible person Muhammad Bobs and Mazen Sudan
Phone First +963 937138760
Mobile First +963 937138760
Mobile Second +963 998182056
City Ref Damascus
Title Damascus countryside - Sbeine al-Kubra
Specialization Manufacture of detergents, sterilizers and skin care materials
About company
Clean Line Limited Liability Company
Muhammad Pops
Mazen Sudan
The company started in 2018
Its goals are quality and appropriate price
We strived to gain the customer’s trust, and thank God our products have gained the trust of all our customers
We have begun to spread inside and outside the country, and our goal will always be customer satisfaction
Address: Damascus countryside - Spineh al-Kubra
Specialization: Manufacture of detergents, sterilizers, and skin care materials
Mobile: 0937138760 / 0998182056
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