Dr Rani Nazir Al Habash
The Company's name Dr Rani Nazir Al Habash
Phone First +963 11 444610105
Mobile First +963 933236221
City Damascus
Title سوريا - دمشق شارع بغداد - موقف السادات - جانب المركز الطبي للمعلمين
Specialization Specialist in kidney and urinary and reproductive diseases and surgery
About company
Prostate Diseases Infertility - ED Erosion Lithotripsy - Urological Endoscopy
Installation of advanced devices (stents) for patients with ED - laparoscopic surgery - hernia, varicose and testicular migration
Surgery of urinary and genital tumors, penile abnormalities and change of riddles
Graduate of the Kuban Academy of Russian Federation
Former chief physician at the Rapid Ambulance Hospital at Krasnadar Hospital in the Russian Federation
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