Orange Trading Company
The Company's name Orange Trading Company
Phone First +90 5395085002
Mobile First +90 5395085002
Mobile Second +90 5070340452
City Damascus
Title Turkey-Mersin-Free Zone / Syria-Sarmada-Industrial Zone / Syria-Idlib-Sarmada
Specialization Import and export of food products
About company
Orange Trading Company
We are Orange Trading Company, working in the field of import and export, and specializing in the trade of basic agricultural crops, which include legumes, vegetable oils, nuts, and spices. We also pay special attention to the production and packaging of olive oil, which is characterized by high quality and unique type.
Orange Company is also interested in securing agricultural production requirements, from basic seeds of excellent quality, which contribute significantly to increasing local production.
Orange Company is headquartered in Syria, and has branches in the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Egypt. The company seeks to expand horizontally by opening new branches or by attracting new agents to enhance its presence in different markets.
Address: Türkiye / Mersin / Free Zone
Syria / Sarmada / Industrial Zone
Syria / Idlib / Sarmada

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