Vers Company
The Company's name Vers Company
Phone First +963 936252252
Mobile First +963 993306356
Mobile Second +963 947330268
City Damascus
Title Damascus, Syria
Specialization Manufacture of cosmetics
About company
Vers Company
Al Mansour MTC was established in 2003 and built on the expertise passed down from generation to generation in this field from Al Mansour Company, which was established in 1969 and was a pioneer in the field of cosmetics, skin care, sterilizers and pharmaceuticals. The focus was on the men's care section with the VERS brand in 2007 and then the products expanded to include men's and women's care.
The company relies on credibility and maintaining quality in all the products it issues and has become a leading company in the field of hair styling and skin care.
The company is interested in continuous development and keeping pace with market requirements and raising the level of products, as research and development are the most important pillars of continuity and success for it.
Address: Damascus - Syria
Sales Department: 0993306356 / 0936252252
Management: 0947330268
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