The prices of batteries and batteries in Syria rise 100 percent as a result of the electric rationing

In a tour on the market, we met one of the sellers, and he said: The price of batteries increased 100% from previous years, while the 12-volt battery type "Long" three years ago did not exceed 3,000 pounds and today it ranges between 7000 and 8000 pounds, and the price of the charger is 3 amps for batteries 7,5 Amperes, so he reached about 10,000 pounds according to the quality. The more batteries and chargers are able to increase their price, in addition to the origin of manufacture and type.
He added: Some families go to batteries with high capacities that start from 100 amps due to their ability to operate TV, "LEDs" and "Router" in addition to using them to charge mobile phones and extend in use for long hours starting from 4 hours to 12 hours continuously. The price of amps for this year exceeded 1500 pounds last year, as the price of the battery reached 7 amps 9000 pounds and 12 amps 18 thousand and 30 amps 50 thousand and they differ according to the country of origin and quality between liquid and dry, as the price of the dry battery ranged 100 amps of Vietnamese origin 55 thousand which is the price Quite high on last year H Korean battery price between 27 thousand and 30 thousand pounds while last year 14 and 16 thousand.
The owner of a local battery store said: The prices of homemade batteries have risen, bringing the price of the liquid battery 150 amps to 45,000, and the process of obtaining them needs to wait a day or two, as the prices of the inverter saw a rise of 75 from last year. The price of the inverter reached 1000 watts 10,000 Lira After last year it was 4000 liras and the inverter 1500 watt 8500 liras instead of 7500 liras.
As for "rulers of the ladies", they have witnessed an increase of 30%. Their prices ranged between 450 and 700 liras per meter, while the beginning of last year was 300 and 500 liras.
Bassam Shaker, Associate Director of Internal Trade and Consumer Protection in Damascus countryside assured that the Directorate monitors the markets of batteries, "LEDs" and chargers on a daily basis, through which existing invoices and specific prices are monitored and sometimes specifications are monitored if there are complaints received by the Directorate related to specifications and monitoring is done To know the source of the batteries and their real price.
Shaker added: Any complaint received by the directorate regarding the battery market if it is related to quality or price is dealt with immediately and many seizures have been organized regarding the battery market to manipulate the price or quality.

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